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Choosing The Perfect Lock For Your New Notice Board

One of the most important components of your new notice board is the lock. We offer several options depending on how you’re going to use it.

1 – Key locks
If the frame profile allows it, we can supply a regular key / barrel lock on your notice board. This isn’t available on slim profile products such as The StormGuard. They’ll last you a lifetime by occasionally squirting some WD40 in the lock. On larger notice boards, the doors need 2 key locks for security.

2 – Security Locks
Slimmer profile notice boards often have security Allen key locks as standard. We supply security Allen keys with each board and they’re simple to use whilst providing protection for your notices.

3 – Community Locks
If the notice board is for members of the community to use, we can add locks that don’t need a key to open. Simply twist the handle and the door opens. These are very popular on double door notice boards where one side is reserved for official notices and is accessible by key holders. The other side is for public notices and is available to the community to post messages.

If you need help in choosing the best lock for your new notice board, please call us on 01539 628309 or email and a member of our team will advise you on the best options.