How To Give Difficult Feedback At Work (Without Hurting Feelings) [Infographic]

Chances are that at some point you will have to give somebody you work with feedback when you identify an opportunity for improvement. However, many people get this process completely wrong, and alienate colleagues rather than inspiring them.If you have ever received negative feedback that was not constructive, chances are you remembered how it made you feel long afterwards. And it’s likely that it didn’t really motivate you to try and improve!

If you have ever received negative feedback that was not constructive, chances are you remembered how it made you feel long afterwards. And it’s likely that it didn’t really motivate you to try and improve!Let’s take a look at a more effective way you can go about giving feedback, that will motivate others, help you establish yourself as a credible mentor, and make people appreciate your guidance.

Let’s take a look at a more effective way you can go about giving feedback, that will motivate others, help you establish yourself as a credible mentor, and make people appreciate your guidance.

How To Give Difficult Feedback At Work

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